Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Only Two Things - The Talk Show About Golf & Sex

We've all heard it: "Golf and Sex are the only two things you can enjoy without being good at them."

Hall of Fame golfer Jimmy Demaret said it first, but it rings true for many, and it's become one of the world's most popular golf quotes.

It's also the basis for a new call-in show I'm doing at Sports City Chefs on Blog Talk Radio.

"Only Two Things" will be live on BlogTalkRadio every Wednesday evening. ~ Tonight's show will be a kind of "preview" and it'll air beginning at 8:00PM ET. Starting next Wednesday we'll move to 10:00PM ET.

The format is simple; we'll start with a brief recap of the week's current golf stories... culled from the many unique golf blogs. We'll even pull from Twitter and other social networks. There are so many awesome and entertaining voices out there... and they often tell the stories traditional media is overlooking.

Then we'll move on to a topic du jour. Which can be anything that brings together... the two things: Golf and Sex. Some of the subjects I look forward to discussing are ones I've touched upon here at Golf Girl's Diary, such as:

*Golf groupies and eye candy caddies - entertainment or exploitation?

*Country club dress codes and ultra revealing golf apparel. Where do you stand?

*Early retirement for female pros, is it inevitable?

*Is there discrimination against women on the golf course & in the club house?

*The Tiger Woods aftermath - Are men just wired that way?

And lots of others... I want your ideas too. I'm hoping the discussion will be... um... animated and fun? Listeners are urged to call in and join and voice their opinions. You can also follow along and contribute via the chat room. So join us tonight at 8:00 ET for the preview show.

Only Two Things
Call-in: (917) 889-9592

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