Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Update from Golf Girl World

I'll be doing a regular "Thursday Update" from now on. It's just a quick update on what's going on behind the scenes at Golf Girl Media.

This has been SUCH a crazy week!

As an official member of the Golf Girl Media team, I’ve been doing everything sending off various emails to various people.... for various reasons, and working on ways to make Golf Girl Media, not only a company but... um, an empire? OK, maybe a tad bit of an overreach, but you get the picture.

I've also been managing some social media stuff, for example I launched the GolfGirlMedia Facebook page. Now (I’ve been told) I've got to help transform it into a beautiful, seductive, interactive place to connect... and exchange ideas... on some of golf's most fascinating people, beautiful places and unique products. The GolfGirl got on Facebook in the early days with a personal profile ...when that was the only option. Problem is, that format only allows 5,000 connections and as we ALL know, golf is much bigger than that. The GolfGirl's personal page is getting close to that number and the "Facebook police" are already telling us we can't add any more contacts. So this week we produced our new Page: GolfGirlMedia. So... if you indulge in Facebook please “like” us.

Oh... in addition to FB, I'm twittering (@GolfGirl_Junior), and exploring some of the other social media options flying around on the internet. I'll keep you posted on those explorations.

In other news: Golf Geeks rejoice! We're starting a new column at Golf Girl Media. We're calling it Golf Geek Weekly and we'll be reviewing the latest golf apps for iPhone, ipad, Blackberry and Android... including games, scorecards, guides and more. I'm crazy about apps BTW.

Finally, this week’s GolfGirlJunior poll was inspired by a suggestion from one of our awesome readers, Frank D, who hails from a mythical place called Ft. Liquordale, in sunny Florida: "Can a man enjoy dating a woman who plays golf better than he does?"

Drop your answers below or email them to me and we'll present some of the best on our BlogTalk Radio show next week, and share them on the aforementioned FB page.

Well, that's it for this week have a good weekend.

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